What does video production cost?
To price creative work is not easy and no projects are the same. In the examples below you can get the general idea of what different projects might cost. To get an exact quote however, we need to have a chat to see what's needed to create your film.
14 000 - 19 000 SEK
In these kinds of project, we need some time in pre-production. A.k.a we need to figure out what to do before we pull the trigger. However, it doesn't take any time away from actual filming and post-production.

20 000 - 30 000 SEK
Now, we're starting to look at the bigger picture. Why are we making this video, what does it need to say and to what audience? In short terms, we need longer time to plan, shoot and edit.
Fr. 45 000 SEK
Now we are looking at the project that are getting really hard to give an exact quote on. Here we need to implement everything from the previous step and more. Pre-production that might include buying props, we might need extra hands or actors.
These are the project type we work with the most.

100 000 + SEK
These are the types of productions that take a lot of time and where it usually has a bigger impact on the brand. We often work closely with the company's own marketing manager and together we come up with decisions and ways to create the video. These projects usually take weeks of planning and months before a final product can be presented.